When I decided to start this blog I figured that I’d need a base of questions to work with. Sure, I have my ‘classics’ to share with you (and I will), but it could take awhile before those of you reading here are brave enough to send in your questions (more info on that here). So I gathered twenty of my friends and assigned them the task of filling out a blank piece of paper with one of the following:
a) a relationship question they’ve always wanted to ask, but been to shy/embarrassed/uncomfortable to ask
b) a description of a relationship issue or dating situation they’ve seen or known about which had them thankful they weren’t a part of
c) the story of a past relationship issue or dating situation which they think they should have handled differently
d) any sort of relationship ‘stumper’ they’d like to test me on
I thought I’d have problems with them filling out the papers — I even had a complicated plan for them to use my computer, instructions for folding the paper the same way, so that I couldn’t tell who wrote them. But amazingly I received 36 good questions and lots of loud laughter.
What this tells me is that your friends probably have a lot more questions & concerns than you know about — they’re just waiting to be asked.
We usually behave on the old friendship rule of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell — meaning we wait to be asked to offer our advice, but may of our friends are just waiting to be asked to unburden themselves. So, this busy holiday season, you may want to make the time to ask your friends for their advice (you’ll find they are rather willing) as well as make sure your friends know you are really open to helping them with their relationship stuff. If nothing else, you’ll improve your relationship with your friends.
Anyway, all this gives you an idea of where this blog is heading, what you can expect. There will be lots of questions, lots of answers, and lots of laughter.